Monday, December 9, 2013


Over the next couple of weeks, we will be busy wrapping up our studies in the various subject areas before the holidays. We will work hard to maintain a structured schedule and remain focused on our work. We have a great deal to accomplish!!

Last week, students were assigned one of the six explorers and were given several choices for presenting their learning. Their projects are due next Tuesday. Here is a link that might be helpful for gathering important information:
Of course, there are numerous resources that can be accessed through Cobb Digital Library on our school website.

Students have learned a lot of Common Core Math using whole numbers. Now, we are ready to tackle fractions! Students are excited about learning some things about fractions they didn’t know before! Please continue to have your children practice multiplication and division facts daily. Their overall success in math depends on proficiency with basic facts of whole numbers!

Upcoming Science topics will include Light and Sound. We will begin the unit before the holiday break.

Our holiday party will be on Thursday, December 19. Our room mothers are busy making plans that I am sure will delight us all!